IT Services


Assess your requirements for your OpenStack cloud. Evaluate your present and future capacity needs, see how to balance your network requirements in terms of speed and flexibility. Configure and deploy on on-premises or third-party hardware. Operate, upgrade and scale your cloud. From consulting to the turnkey private cloud, we provide OpenStack.

Custom Development

We provide leading custom software development in the cloud and system automation spaces. We're at home with Linux, Python and the Web.


On-site expert training for OpenStack and Python. We provide in-depth training lectures and labs to get you up to speed fast.

Writing: peterlog

  • Mitgefühl für Amis  ·  Amerikanische Callcenter-Mitarbeiter sind mittlerweile billiger alsihre indis...
  • emkuu on github  ·  My thesis project, aRESTfulMessagequeueing middleware called emkuu, now lives...
  • Blumenpost  ·  Beim Grillen und WFRP bei L+S angefallen.
  • My Python History  ·  As a Siemensintern in summer ‘96, my task was to process megabytes and megaby...
  • Bengrillen  ·  Leute bei Bens Geburtstagsgrillen am Samstag
  • "What do you mean...  ·  ...toilet paper is not for playing?" Favorite toys include, but are not limit...
  • MySQL?  ·  Some reasons MySQL is still not an option forme This and I still wouldn’t tru...
  • 30°C im Aquarium  ·  Arme Fische... muss wohl wieder (wie schon letzte Woche) taeglich Wasser taus...
  • Filesystem Brutality  ·  Or, how to scrape data off a broken harddrive with unnecessary cruelty The ot...

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